Stop Paper Statements & eStatements FAQs
As part of our Sustainability agenda and in line with our Terms and Conditions, we are changing the frequency of statements issued in certain situations. In future where an account has not been transacted on in 365 days, statements will only be sent every 6 months, irrespective of the frequency set, until such time as the account is transacted on again. Statements can continue to be viewed on Mobile/Online banking, where customers have registered for this service.
What accounts are eligible to Stop Paper Statements?
You can stop paper statements on any sole account or joint account where you have the authority to operate the account on your own.
If you find you are unable to stop paper statements on any of your accounts please call us on 0345 793 0000 log in and choose option zero (0) and we will be happy to help. Please note some providers may charge for this call. We are available between 8am and 12am (Midnight), 7 days a week.
How do I switch my paper back on?
You can switch your paper statement back on by calling us on 0345 793 0000, log in and choose option zero (0). Please note some providers may charge for this call. We are available between 8am and 12am (Midnight), 7 days a week.
I need a paper statement, how do I get one?
You can order an up to date paper statement at any time with Online Banking. When you select ‘Order Statement’ you will receive a paper statement in the post and your eStatement will be available to view the next day.
If you need duplicate paper statements you can print your eStatements from your eStatement listing. An eStatement is a black and white replica of your paper statement and should be acceptable for most verification purposes. However if you do not have the ability to print or contact us on 0345 793 0000, log in and choose option zero (0). Please note some providers may charge for this call. We are available between 8am and 12am (Midnight), 7 days a week.
How do I view my eStatements?
Online Banking
To view your eStatements on Online Banking select ‘Accounts’ then ‘eStatements’ and you will a list of your accounts. There are a number of symbols beside each account select ‘eye’ symbol beside the account you need the statement for. You will be diverted to a new page where you can choose to view your current eStatement or there is a drop down box at the top right of the screen titled ‘Month’. This lists the ‘month/year’ for each of eStatements available to view. Simply select the relevant date you wish to view the statement for.
Mobile Banking
To view your eStatements on our Mobile Banking app select ‘Services’ from the menu. Select the option ‘Statements’ and you will be provided with your list of accounts. Select the account you wish to view the statement for. You will then be provided with a list of dates, this is the date of each statement which is available to view, simply select the statement you require.
What happens if I don’t receive my text message for my eStatement?
If you do not receive a text message to tell you that your statement is ready to view it may be that your phone was out of range at the time the statement was sent or your phone was switched off. Also if your mobile phone number is incorrect you will not receive your message.
You can change your phone numbers with Online Banking. Select ‘Services & Settings’ then ‘My Details’. You will see your current address, the last four digits of each contact number and your email address. You can update your mobile phone, home phone, work phone numbers and email address. Simply click on the box of the phone number you wish to change and you will be provided with a drop down box for the dialling code. Please select the relevant dialling code and then click on the box to enter your number. You will need your card reader to update your phone numbers.
I have changed my mobile phone, how do I update my mobile number?
You can update your mobile phone number with Online Banking. Select ‘Services & Settings’ then ‘My Details’. You will see your current address, the last four digits of each contact number and your email address. You can update your mobile phone, home phone, work phone numbers and email address. Simply click on the box of the phone number you wish to change and you will be provided with a drop down box for the dialling code. Please select the relevant dialling code and then click on the box to enter your number. You will need your card reader to update your phone numbers.
How do I see historic eStatements?
You can see your statements for the last seven years with Online and Mobile Banking.
Online Banking
To view your eStatements on Online Banking select ‘Accounts’ then ‘eStatements’ and you will a list of your accounts. There are a number of symbols beside each account select ‘eye’ symbol beside the account you need the statement for. You will be diverted to a new page where you can choose to view your current eStatement or there is a drop down box at the top right of the screen titled ‘Month’. This lists the ‘month/year’ for each of eStatements available to view. Simply select the relevant date from the list provided.
Mobile Banking
To view your eStatements on our Mobile Banking app select ‘Services’ from the menu. Select the option ‘Statements’ and you will be provided with your list of accounts. Select the account you wish to view the statement for. You will then be provided with a list of dates, this is the date of each statement which is available to view, simply select the statement you require.
How can I save my eStatements?
You can save your statements on your PC, laptop or phone. Your eStatement will open in a new window as a PDF depending on the device you are using select the ‘save’ option and then choose where on your device you want to save it.
How do I print an eStatement?
You can print your eStatements from your PC, laptop or phone. Your eStatement will open in a new window as a PDF depending on the device you are using. You will need to have a printer connected to your device. When your eStatement opens simply select the ‘print’ option and your eStatement will be printed.
How do I get my most recent eStatement?
You can order an up to date statement at any time with Online Banking. When you select ‘Order Statement’ you will receive a paper statement in the post and your eStatement will be available to view the next day. If you order your statement after 6pm it will be 2 days before your eStatement will be available to view.
I have an account that is used occasionally, but don’t appear to have received a statement for a few months.
As part of our Sustainability agenda and in line with our Terms and Conditions, we are changing the frequency of statements issued in certain situations. In future where an account has not been transacted on in 365 days, statements will only be sent every 6 months, irrespective of the frequency set, until such time as the account is transacted on again. Statements can continue to be viewed on Mobile/Online banking, where customers have registered for this service.