ESG Ratings
AIB was rated as AA (Leader) on 22 Jan 2021, up from A (Average) in 2019*.
S&P Global
In the 2021 Corporate Sustainability Assessment AIB achieved an increased score of 70/100 (2020: 61/100) which, as at 12 Nov 2021, placed us in the 87th percentile of banks (2020: 78th percentile). AIB is also listed as a member of the S&P Global Sustainability Yearbook 2022. The Yearbook aims to distinguish those companies that have each demonstrated their strengths in the area of corporate sustainability – to be listed, companies must be within the top 15% of their industry and must achieve an S&P Global ESG Score within 30% of their industry’s top-performing company.
On 19 Apr 2021 AIB received an ESG Risk Rating of 14.5 and was assessed by Sustainalytics to be at Low risk of experiencing material financial impacts from ESG factors. Our ESG Risk Rating places AIB in the 6th percentile of the banks assessed by Sustainalytics (1st = lowest ESG Risk). AIB is also a Sustainalytics ESG Industry Top Rated company for 2021. **
The international environmental impact non-profit organisation CDP highlighted AIB as a global leader in corporate climate action. AIB has achieved the Leadership rating since 2017 and the only bank in Ireland or the UK to make the Global A list in 2020. To achieve this we’ve reduced our carbon footprint in our business and continue to increase our levels of disclosure on the impact of climate risks to our business. Every year AIB proactively responds to the CDP Climate Change questionnaire.
FTSE 4 Good
Since July 2020 AIB is a member of the FTSE4 Good Index Series which identifies companies demonstrating strong environmental, social and governance practices measured against globally recognised standards.