Communicating Sustainability

AIB Steps to Sustainability – Communicating sustainability

AIB Steps to Sustainability – Communicating sustainability

In this section we’ll cover what you need to communicate, to whom and how. ​

Communicating with external stakeholders​

You will be asked to provide more and more detail about the sustainability of your operations. ​

For example

 In a tendering document you may be asked for your sustainability policy; about how you are handling waste, buying energy, or managing your emissions. You may also be asked about the social value you can bring to a project.

 If your customers are based in the Republic of Ireland and are state owned or controlled, your application will be covered by the Green Public Procurement (GPP). This is a process where public authorities source goods, services or works with a reduced environmental impact.

It can be difficult to prepare for every potential ask, because the exact nature of the information requested can be specific to an industry, customer or geography. However, from speaking with our customers it is clear that there are often common themes which potential customers want to address.

Two workers asking represents from their tender questions

To help you with this, we’ve set out some sample tender questions which will help you prepare for the tendering process or for engagement with customers.

Click to learn more.

Communicating with your team​

If you don’t have your team on board with your sustainability strategy, your work will be harder. In earlier sections where we discussed creating your strategy, we said it was helpful to engage your team in as many steps as possible. ​

Then when it comes to communicating sustainability with your team, they will feel involved and ready to participate in a common purpose in which they can see the part they play.

Three office workers sat around a table

Read on to discover some pointers to support engaging conversations with your team.

Click to learn more.

Next step: Sustainability Sector Guides​

Young woman checking in at a Hotel reception desk.

Now that you have learned about all of the supports available to help improve your business’ sustainability, take a look at opportunities with customers in this space.