At certain stages you may have a substantial sum of money to put into savings
With a AIB (NI) Fixed Term Deposit Account, you can put away a lump sum for a fixed term and benefit from the security of a fixed rate of interest, regardless of money market fluctuations.
The minimum deposit to open a Fixed Term Deposit Account for personal customers is £800,000. There is no maximum balance restriction with this account.
Features and benefits
A fixed rate of interest for the duration of the term
The interest rate on a Fixed Term Deposit Account is fixed, for each term of your Account, regardless of money market rates (which can fluctuate daily). The applicable rate will be advised on account opening and on any subsequent reinvestment.
Interest is paid into the account at the end of the term.
Where the account has a term in excess of one year, interest is paid annually on the anniversary date.
For more information on the interest rates applicable, call into your local branch or call us on 0345 6005 925†.
Choice of terms - from seven days to five years
You can choose a term that suits you, from short term (e.g. 1 week, 1, 3 or 6 months) to medium term (e.g. 9 months, 1 year, 2 years or up to 5 years).
It is important that you consider your short term business needs and ensure that you have sufficient funds in short-term accessible deposit accounts.
Monthly income option available
The monthly income option is available for a Fixed Term Deposit Account of three months or more.
Interest will normally be paid to your nominated AIB (NI) account on the same date each month (or next business day) as that on which your deposit is due to mature.
No withdrawals permitted until maturity*
Once the account is opened you cannot make any further withdrawals until maturity*.
* Only in exceptional circumstances and at the discretion of the Bank can a withdrawal be permitted prior to maturity.
Should the Bank agree to an early withdrawal or closure, then any amount due on the date of the early withdrawal or closure will be paid subject to deduction of an administration fee and a breakage charge (if applicable).
If you require details of the administration fee or a further explanation or illustration of the breakage charge calculation please ask at your branch. -
Lodgements permitted at maturity
You can lodge additional funds to the Fixed Term Deposit at maturity.
However, if during your term you find that you have additional funds (minimum £1,000), these can be lodged into an additional Fixed Term Deposit Account for the remainder of your original term. At maturity the balance plus interest will be added to your original account.
The interest rate on the additional account opened is decided by reference to prevailing money market rates for the amount and remaining term. This means that the rate may differ from your original deposit.
A choice of maturity instructions available
At account opening and during the term of your account, you can give us maturity instructions to tell us what you would like to do with the funds when the account matures.
You can choose to reinvest, withdraw some of the funds and reinvest the balance or withdraw all of your funds and close the account.
If we don’t receive instructions from you, the account will be reinvested on a daily basis, at the applicable daily interest rate, so you can access the funds at any time.
Open your account today
- To open a Fixed Term Deposit Account, simply call into your nearest AIB branch or call us on 02890 821 025† if you would prefer to make an appointment.
- We will need to see specific identification and legal documentation before we can open an account. If you are not sure what proof we accept, speak to a customer service adviser on 02890 821 025†.
Fixed Term Deposit Summary Box
This summary box sets out key product features that apply to our Fixed Term Deposit account. You should carefully read this document along with the Fixed Term Deposit Terms and Conditions to allow you make an informed decision as to whether this product is right for you.

If you require this summary box in PDF format, please download here.
Talk to Us
We’re ready to help you start saving today.
Simply call 0345 6005 925† , or drop into any AIB branch. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have and help you find the right kind of savings account for your business.
† Lines open: 9am to 5pm Monday - Friday (except on bank holidays). Calls may be recorded. Call charges may vary - refer to your service provider.
Help and Guidance
Terms and conditions
View the Fixed Term Deposit Account terms and conditions.
Fees and Charges
View the price list for business customers.
Savings calculator
Find out how savings can add up
Important information about taxation
Find out how we apply tax on savings in line with current legislation.
Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)
View information about the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act and how this applies to business customers.
Financial Services Compensation Scheme
Check what protection the Financial Services Compensation Scheme offers you.