Online Services Security Centre

At AIB (NI) we take security seriously. We aim to protect you against the threats associated with internet fraud.

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Common Frauds and Threats

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How Do You Prevent Fraud

At AIB, AIB (NI) and Allied Irish Bank (GB), we understand how important the security and confidentiality of your information is to you. 

To counteract the threats posed by external fraudsters, the bank advises that you keep in mind the simple points below which will help increase the security of your PC and personal information.

  • DO keep your anti-virus software up-to-date
  • DON’T disclose codes from your Card Reader OR the full five digits of your Personal Access Code (PAC) to anyone.
  • DO keep your operating system up-to-date
  • DON'T open e-mail attachments from people you don't know.
  • DO keep your browser up-to-date
  • DON'T open e-mail attachments from people you know unless you know what's in the attachment
  • DO install a personal firewall on your computer
  • DON'T share your passwords with anyone
  • DO make sure that, if you're sending sensitive personal information, your connection is secure. A closed padlock icon appears on the status bar and the URL will start with https:// rather than http://
  • DON'T click on links sent in a text message.
  • DO make sure the security settings on your Web browser are at an adequate standard
  • DON’T click on a link or open an attachment to log in to Online or Mobile Banking, as these can lead to fraudulent sites.
  • DO use secure passwords to protect access to your system. Passwords should be changed regularly
  • DON’T use a computer that you do not trust to log in to your Online Banking.
  • DO frequently make and check back-up copies of your data and store them in a safe place.

Click on the headings below to find out how you can prevent fraud

  • Anti-virus software protects your computer. It works by matching suspicious files on your computer against a database of known malicious code. In this regard, it is vital that you keep your anti-virus software up-to-date. Most anti-virus products will clear this malicious software from your computer.

    If your computer is infected with a virus, anti-virus software should alert you to the infection. It's important to regularly update your anti-virus software and be aware of all new fraud developments and threats.

  • It is important that you keep your software up-to-date. New ways to attack computers are being developed daily by criminals. Software providers are constantly monitoring these new potential threats to their products. As such, they release regular updates to their products to counter any new security threat to their software. By keeping software up-to-date, you lower the potential risk faced from criminal attacks.


  • You can get further protection against harmful codes by using firewall software that prevents unauthorised access when you're on the Internet. A firewall is a program or hardware device that filters the information coming through the Internet connection into your PC.

    Some operating systems come with a firewall built in. Otherwise, a software firewall can be installed on the computer in your home that has an Internet connection.