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AIB NI's A-Z mortgage guide banner

Want to know your EPC from your DIP?

 Our handy A-Z Mortgage Guide will help jargon bust the key words and phrases you are likely to come across during the purchase process so you can get back to planning your dream home! 

Business Leaders Lessons: with Mark Kelly, Kellenergy

Business Leaders Lessons: with Mark Kelly, Kellenergy

We recently caught up with AIB customer Mark Kelly, owner of Kellenergy, based in Dungannon. Mark reflects on the importance of sustainability for farming and businesses. 

family business kane group

Business Leaders Lessons: with Cathal McMullan, Kane Group 

We recently caught up with Cathal McMullan who delves into the core values that can help drive business growth.


Women in Enterprise

Business Leaders Lessons with Maria Conway, MKB Law 

We recently caught up with Maria Conway, Partner at MKB Law, Belfast, as she reflects on her leadership journey.


Top Tips from a Solicitor

Top Tips from a Solicitor

Philip McBride, Head of the Property Law Team at McKee’s Solicitors outlines the role a solicitor plays in the home buying process. 



Ready to meet your Mortgage match?

Ready to meet your Mortgage match?

Whether you’re a seasoned mortgage expert or a first-time buyer, buying a new home should be an exciting time! Here at AIB we want to make finding the perfect mortgage as simple as possible.

With a range of options to suit your personal circumstances, this handy guide will have you finding your mortgage match in no time.

Getting your home baby ready by Caitlyn Lendrum Hegarty

Getting your home baby ready - Part one

Few experiences in life have as much impact on someone as becoming a parent. Preparing for parenthood can be an incredibly exciting time, bringing new feelings, new understandings and new joys.  Read More

Get your home baby ready two with Elaine Donaghy

Getting your home baby ready - Part two

We asked blogger Elaine Donaghy, also known as Elaine Roves N Troves, for her top tips after she became a mum to baby Mollie who is now 14 months old.   Read More

The new workplace

The new workplace

An interview with Anne Marie Lowry of team engagement and action platform PepTalk, on how a new working world is emerging, with the human at its core.

Communicating Change and Embracing Innovation

Communicating Change and Embracing Innovation

When we get stressed we are not the best version of ourselves and it’s our relationships and our health that bear the brunt of being overloaded.
Dr. Andrew Newberg, Neuroscientist, explains more

Don’t let stress impact your business relationships

Don’t let stress impact your business relationships

Brendan Foley is an internationally recognised leadership and team development coach.  Brendan has shared his advice to help navigate stress so it doesn’t affect our business relationships.

Moving Day Survival Guide

Moving Day Survival Guide

Moving into a new home can be an exciting time, but whether you’re a first-time buyer or a seasoned home switcher, moving can be a daunting process!


Bringing the Outside in

Bringing the Outside in

We recently caught up with one of our business customers Malcolm McCully, owner of Dundonald Nurseries in Belfast to find out more about indoor shrubs and we were so impressed with the power of plants that we had to visit Malcolm at the dedicated Indoor Plant showroom to find out more


The power of plants

The power of plants

Incorporating indoor plants and foliage into our homes can be a great way to refresh a room while also helping us to connect with nature.

To find out more about the benefits of indoor plants we caught up with one of our business customers, Malcolm McCully, owner of Dundonald Nurseries in Belfast.

Find your Home's Energy Rating

Find your Home's Energy Rating

One of the first steps you can take to become more energy efficient at home is to find out where your property rates in the first place. 

Learn more about how an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) can help you save money at home, and how to find out your EPC rating.

Bringing the outside in at Ann Street

Bringing the outside in at Ann Street

Sustainability is at the heart of everything we do at AIB, so it’s only fitting that it’s reflected in our office and team spaces.


Top tips for refreshing your interior style this spring with Paul Moneypenny

Top tips for refreshing your interior style this spring with Paul Moneypenny

With Spring just around the corner, what better time to think about refreshing your home with some new interior features? 


Inside the the NI property market with Estate Agent Olga McAteer

Inside the the NI property market with Estate Agent Olga McAteer

At McAteer Solutions Estate Agents, we are still witnessing a steady flow of demand for residential property across Northern Ireland and have just experienced our busiest December to date!

Advice for couples’ house hunting – Patience & Partnership with Caitlyn & Tony

Advice for couples’ house hunting – Patience & Partnership with Caitlyn & Tony

When it came to finding their dream home, makeup artist and business owner Caitlyn and her husband Tony wanted a modern and stylish new build. With an idea of their perfect pad in mind, they knew that when they found their dream home it would be love at first sight. 

Backing Local businesses this Christmas

Backing Local businesses this Christmas

With Christmas just around the corner, we caught up with some of our local business customers to find out how they are making this festive season extra special for their customers. 



Top Tips for Going ‘Green’ this Christmas with the Greener Guru

Top Tips for Going ‘Green’ this Christmas with the Greener Guru

AIB has teamed up with ‘The Greener Guru’ Emma Erskine to bring you some eco-friendly tips for the festive season...




Advice for couples’ house hunting – Planning, Paint & Passion with Peter and Damian

Advice for couples’ house hunting – Planning, Paint & Passion with Peter and Damian

This Valentine’s Day, AIB caught up with some local couples to find out more about how they created their homes together. 

12 tips for safe online Christmas shopping Click here to find out more.

12 tips for safe online Christmas shopping Click here to find out more.

Click here to find out more.

Top Tips To Improve Your Home’s EPC Rating - September 2021

Top Tips To Improve Your Home’s EPC Rating - September 2021

Improving the energy efficiency rating as indicated by the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) of your home can make it warmer, reduce your energy and heating costs, reduce your environmental impact and even increase the resale value of your property.
Here are just some of the ways you can make the simple changes that will make a big difference.

Essential Home Office Tips - June 2021

Essential Home Office Tips - June 2021

In the past when looking at buying a property, having a home office or study was a ‘nice to have’. Today it’s become a necessity for so many people, regardless of what kind of home you want to buy. 
We spoke to award-winning Interior Designer Roisin Lafferty shares her top tips for creating a home office, designing a Zoom background that keeps you professional and the best way to embrace the light in your home.